Sunday, July 19, 2009

Planning, planning and yet more planning

Mark and I are going into official planning mode now, well there is lots to do and very little time. This weekend we have taken advantage of rain, well not here it seems, but everywhere else and well supposedly its meant to rain here. Opps no sun just popped out - damn it...

Anyway, the packing up and sorting of much paperwork has been done, between sorting through lots of holiday mementos, booklets, tickets, maps I had to go through an abundance of well maintained receipts...oh my goodness the receipts... company documents, cards, job contracts and official papers. I chucked a mountains worth,or rather several endangered rain forests worth and the rest is now filed nicely and neatly with labels too! All ready for its big trip across the ocean...

Yes its now only 8 months to go, we will land in Australia in very early March 2010 and no we have not purchased, those scarey (both price and in meaning) ONE-WAY tickets to Australia. But it will happen soon, right after I have booked and paid for the Egypt holiday that must, simply MUST happen in February.

Other planning is Cornwall, Ireland and France, as Dad will be here for both Cornwall and France. Mark and I are planning a trip to Northern France (not Paris) in September to enjoy a bit of a foodie and drinky holiday in the country that you could say invented dining, eating for pleasure and made the world realise we had tastebuds for a reason!! So onwards...more planning...

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